Holling-Morris Photography

Fine art nature photography for tranquil spaces

"Positive distractions" in healthcare environments

Cynthia Holling-Morris
Du Petit's Spindle 8306 from my Shellscape collection

Du Petit's Spindle 8306 from my Shellscape collection

I've just gotten home from a walk around Garden of the Gods with my border collie mix dog, Dillie, and our walk in the Colorado sunshine (yep, 60 degrees in December) has me thinking about nature and stress reduction.  

Most of us know intuitively that time spent in nature relaxes us, but did you know that research shows that viewing nature in healthcare facilities can reduce stress too?  

A fascinating article in the Journal of Healthcare Interior Design speaks about three vital elements in healthcare that can lead to wellness: a sense of control, access to social support, and positive distractions in the design.  Here's the link https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273354344_Effects_of_Healthcare_Environmental_Design_on_Medical_Outcomes

That sort of stress reduction in healthcare and residential spaces is my goal with images like this.  This Du Petit's Spindle seashell on the beach reminds me of the joy of walking hand in hand with my children, enjoying a seashell treasure hunt.  I hope it brings back happy memories for you, too. 



New wave series for evidence based design

Cynthia Holling-Morris

One of my favorite things is creating photographic wave groupings.  When the tide, the sky, the light, and the wave action all come together, it creates a soothing, rhythmic series that works beautifully in a hallway, boardroom, registration desk, or other healthcare space that calls for evidence based design.  

Looking for custom light fixtures for healthcare spaces?

Cynthia Holling-Morris

Resolute has a the stunning 14w Smith 5 wall sconce that can be custom printed with color or black and white images.  It measures a little more than 9 inches square.  Check it out-- it is modern and clean looking and a great way to add regional flair or a custom touch to architectural spaces.  

Here's a page with a photo from Healthcare Design magazine


Healthcare art ceiling design

Cynthia Holling-Morris

These photos were proposals I created for a 12 foot square meditation room ceiling.  They're stitched panoramas of 9-25 photos so they can print HUGE!  I wanted to create a sense of expansiveness and peace.  There was a surprise as I began assembling them-- I feel like some of them look like they were shot from space (not sure why that is, but it was an unexpected bonus).